Throughout this time I have been having excruciating headaches and dizziness and that has prompted me to think about the many dear souls who are chronically ill or even terminally ill. They are in constant pain, with the knowledge that there is no light at the end of their tunnel…at least not on this earth. I have wondered how I would function if I were terminally ill and in pain 24/7.
All that thinking about being terminally ill, lead to thinking about my family and how they would handle me dieing but more importantly, if I did die…what would I leave behind? And by that I don’t mean who I would leave behind. I already know that, my beautiful man, our 6 kids and one grand-baby. What I meant by “what would I leave behind” is what would I be leaving them? What will my legacy be? What will there inheritance be? How will they remember me?
I know that some might think these are morbid thoughts, but for those of us who live with an eternal perspective, I believe this is a must. We must question our actions, our motives, and our impact on others. In my journal I wondered the same things I have been wondering of late. November 2, 2005: “I often wonder how I will be remembered by my Husband & children. What will they say about me when I am gone? Will a sweet smile come to their faces when they think of me? Will they carry on the traditions I started? Will they speak well of me to their own children? I have stumbled and fumbled through these years … 22 years of parenting. Will they resent me for this?”
I’m pretty sure I’m not going to die from this strep thing, but I think it is healthy to hold ourselves accountable for the impact and impressions we will leave on others, especially the ones that God has entrusted us with. He gave me a beautiful man to love and honour. Am I doing that? I hope so…I know I need him more than oxygen. How to get him to need me that same way remains the elusive dream. But I will honour and love and cherish him till the day I die.
And hopefully my daughters will find men just like him and will know from my model how God wants them to treat their husbands. God also gave us 6 amazing children. How I have done with them still remains to be seen. If I could measure my success as a parent by the amount of love I have in my heart for each of them, then I would be the best parent on the planet! But unfortunately there is so much more to it and God doesn’t send them with a manuel…well He does, but we actually have to read the Bible and spend time with Him to hear Him.
I have, at times failed my children, just by not spending time with Him. Then there are the things we cannot protect them from. Like people who also have an obligation to them, but treat them as pawns and use them to either make them look good or to use against those of us who truly love them. God help the man who has messed with my children…he will answer one day.
Beyond that, what will they say? In that same journal entry I wrote: “I am in a season where more than half of my children either think I’m stupid or they hate me for even being involved in their lives. It’s kind of lonely. But I believe they are worth it. How your heart must break LORD when we turn our backs on you or don’t allow you to help us. Forgive me Father.”
I guess in the end we wont be able to control others’ perceptions of us, but will matter is what He says when we stand before Him. Will He say, “Well done my good and faithful servant”? Let it be so dear God! In the mean time, I will try to keep the thoughts in the front of my mind that every little thing we do here, in this little blip of time on the huge time line of eternity is counting for eternity.
I will remember that I want my kids to say to their kids, “my mom was the sweetest lady, and I always knew she loved me, and I always knew I had a soft place to fall with her”. I want them smile sweetly when they hear a song I used to sing and hear my voice whispering, “I love you - - - don’t forget”. I want them to treasure every memory they have of me. I want their heritage to be rich and full of love, so that they in turn will love the spouse and children God gives them well.
And that is why, I press on.
“I'm not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don't get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I've got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I'm off and running and I'm not turning back.” ~Philippians 3:12-14
”I've learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I'm just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I've found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.” ~Philippians 4:11-13
I am bawling. In fact, I cannot even comment. But I will... you know that!
I find that hard to believe...
Ok, here is my real comment. I will try to keep it short. When I first read what you had written, I was sad. It made me sad thinking that you even question the kind of legacy you will leave behind. But as I read on, the sadness disappeared, and was replaced by joy in knowing that you know whose voice really counts here. And you are right... we need to think with an eternal perspective. We need to think about what, not who we will leave behind.
While I cannot speak for your husband or children, this much I can say with complete confidence. I KNOW you will leave behind a legacy. Not only in the wonderful truths you have taught your children, but also in the many lives you have touched with your voice, your ability to discern and see things for what they are and then share that truth in love, as well as in all the relationships you leave behind. When I picture people like you in heaven, I hear the song Thank You. Carla, you have no idea how many lives you have touched… none of us do. I for one though, am thankful to have the chance to say thank you to you here and now.
I know that the traditions and values you have instilled in your children will live on. I know that the life you are living, glorifying God, will have an impact of your children when you are no longer around. I know that because in the 6 months or so since I have really gotten to know you, I know that those traditions and values will live on in MY children… how could they not in the lives of the kids you have raised all these many years. I also know that you example of a wife will be an example to your daughters. It has been to me… how could it not be to them? S is just not in a place to see it yet. G is obviously too young to really get it. But she will one day. You have set such a wonderful example of the love and respect that comes from a godly wife towards her husband.
No parent is perfect. But as you have said to me before, when you knew better, you did better. I do know that there could not possibly be any doubt in your childrens minds that you love them. When I think of you grabbing his face and saying “N... look at me… look at my eyes. Remember, I love you….don’t forget.”… it makes me cry. It is so sweet and so special. And perhaps a part of me wished I had memories like that.
Ok… I just remembered that I am commenting on your blog…not emailing you or writing my own blog. Ooops. See, as your personal assistant (assuming no one else applied, and I got the position), you need to give me authorship on your blog… then I would not have to write long comments… just long blogs!
Love you my friend. Never doubt how many people do. You make my heart smile. Keep building in to that wonderful heritage you very fortunate children already have. And know that what you are building in to them, you are also building in to others… me.
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